Regularly doing led classes has been (and continues to be) exceptionally important in my ashtanga journey. At the Sharath Yoga Centre (SYC) in Mysore we have two led classes a week with Sharathji, either two primaries or one intermediate and one primary to close the week. It is a beautiful way to really learn the sequence thoroughly, to synchronise the breath with movement with the correct vinyasa, to learn the asana names and Sanskrit count, and there is something so powerful about practising with others flowing through the same series simultaneously.
Sharathji describes a led class thus: ‘Let me explain a led class: where we call the asana names, count the vinyasas and every student is practicing the asana at the same time. This is to improve vinyasa and have proper understanding of the system: where to inhale and exhale, and to follow the vinyasa properly.’
So what is vinyasa? According to Pattabhi Jois: ‘Vinyasa means “breathing system.” Without vinyasa, don’t do asana. When vinyasa is perfect, the mind is under control. That’s the main thing-controlling the mind. That’s the method Patanjali described. The scriptures say that prana and apana are made equal by keeping the ratio of inhalation and exhalation equal and by following the breath in the nostrils with the mind. If you practice this way, gradually mind comes under control.’ (Please click here for the full interview).
This class is not suitable for beginners. If you have an established Mysore practice and practice up to or beyond Maricasana A you are more than welcome to attend.
Do contact Kalyan or further information.