Aquarian Sadhana

Aquarian Sadhana is a specific 2.5 hour practice that is done during the Ambrosial hours of the morning. These pre-sunrise times house a unique and special meditative quality that allow us to clear the subconscious more deeply. The Aquarian Sadhana was given to us by Yogi Bhajan as a preparatory tool to enter the Age of Aquarius, our current Age we live in, that dawned fully in 2012. We begin by reciting the sacred Japji text in the Gumukhi language (also known as the song of the soul). We then tune in and do a physical kriya followed by a short relaxation. 62 minutes of Aquarian Sadhana Mantras (detailed below) then follow. This culminates with a short reading of a divine text to direct our day before we tune out.

Aquarian Sadhana can be done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. It is a beautiful way to start your day.

Aquarian Sadhana Mantras:

(1) Morning Call (The Adi Shakti Mantra, Long Ek Ong Kar): 7 minutes

This mantra initiates the kundalini, initiating the relationship between our soul and the Universal Soul. It opens all the chakras.

(2) Waah Yantee, Kar Yantee: 7 minutes

With this mantra, we strengthen the connection with the infinite self, the part of us beyond the physical world, beyond creation.

(3) Mul Mantra: 7 minutes

This mantra gives an experience of the depth and consciousness of your soul. It eradicates deep, longstanding pain and sorrow. It expands creativity and projects us into action in line with our destiny.

(4) Sat Siri, Siri Akal (Mantra for the Aquarian Age): 7 minutes

With this mantra we declare that we are timeless, deathless beings and promotes victory in all aspects of our life.

(5) Rakhe Rakhan Har: 7 minutes

This is a mantra of protection against all negative forces, inner and outer, which are blocking us from moving on our true path. It cuts like a sword through every opposing vibration, thought, word, and action.

(6) Wahe Guru Wahe Jio: 22 minutes

This is a mantra of ecstasy with which we establish ourselves for victory and the right to excel.

(7) Guru Ram Das Chant: 5 minutes

This mantra is one of humility. It opens the Heart Center (4th chakra) so that we can feel and effortlessly radiate universal love. We call on Guru Ram Das in praise of his spiritual guiding light and protective grace.

A Sadhana quote by Yogi Bhajan:

“The greatest reward of doing sadhana is that the person becomes incapable of being defeated. Sadhana is a self-victory, and it is a victory over time and space. Getting up is a victory over time, and doing it is a victory over space. That is what sadhana is. And when you do a sadhana in the sangat, you enrich yourself in multiple ways.”