TMI 8-week Yoga Therapy Course for Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Next Course Dates To Be Confirmed. Do contact me to express interest x

Overview of the 8 Week Course for Stress, Anxiety and Depression

The Minded Institute’s (TMI) 8 Week Yoga Therapy Course for Stress, Anxiety and Depression is an evidence-based treatment programme devised by Heather Mason. This empowering programme is a comprehensive exploration and journey of the body and mind via the ancient principles of yoga and mindfulness meditation techniques. The latter is the foundation of one of the most rapidly expanding interventions for depression, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). This course addresses both the physiological and the psychological components of depression, stress and anxiety with a particular sequence of asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathwork), regulatory strategies, mindfulness techniques and psychotherapeutic holding. The course is specifically organised to permit a deep understanding of how these techniques can practically applied to offer immediate short-term relief and long-term psychological well-being.

The yoga practice has been carefully designed to rebalance the nervous system and regulate emotions and mood. It includes postures that will help soothe and calm the nervous system and those that will lift and elevate it. Each week a consistent sequence of postures are taught with a different emphasis in accordance to the week’s theme. During the physical postures both relaxation and breathwork will be taught to increase the capacity to be with comfortable and uncomfortable physical sensations as well as to be with difficult emotions with gentle groundedness. A different theme is introduced each week to permit greater exploration of the yoga practice from a new perspective and to encourage investigation of mental patterning, perceptions, and habits that may perpetuate stress, depression and anxiety.

Weekly Themes of the Course

Both yoga postures (asana) and breath practices (pranayama) are taught to either quieten or energise your nervous system. In the first couple of weeks you will be taught to work with your breath to regulate and understand your mood. You will learn when it is appropriate to apply different techniques to help bring your nervous system and mood into a more harmonious state. During weeks three to five the emphasis moves to understanding the interconnection between your body and your emotional health. In the last three weeks of the course, with to the strength and resilience built up through the course thus far, we begin to work with the mind. Practices are utilised to enable you to clearly see and alter your mental patterns in new and beneficial ways. Each part of the course consolidates and develops what has been learnt in previous weeks and your home practice will enable you to practically apply what you have learnt in your everyday life.

Home Practice:

It is exceptionally useful to be part of a group to explore the practices together and build a sense of community. However home practice is essential for your healing and to integrate yoga and mindfulness into your daily life. It is also where the true changes begin to take effect. At the end of each class you will be given a home practice to do each day together with supportive reading material.

Structure of Each Session:

Each 120-minute session follows a similar format:

  • Physical Yoga Practice (Asana) with awareness: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Breathwork (Pranayama): 15-20 minutes
  • Group Activity: 15 minutes

The group activity is derived from either mindfulness or yoga tradition and serves to highlight the week’s taught aspect.

  • Group Discussion: 15 minutes.

In the discussion there is an opportunity to share your experience of the practice, relay any insights, listen to others, ask any yoga and mindfulness related questions or to remain silent.

  • Explanation of daily yoga therapy and mindfulness home practice.

Teacher Support:

Throughout the course every student will receive individualised attention to facilitate feelings of safety and support. For this reason the course is limited to 12 participants. There are also opportunities to have a confidential discussion with me before or after sessions. I began her apprenticeship with Heather Mason (founder of the Minded Institute) in 2011, for the second cohort of this professional qualification. I am a fully qualified 500-hour Minded Yoga Therapist for Mental Health. I trained with Zen Master Julian Daizan Skinner to teach Zen Mindfulness Meditation in 2010-11 and I am an authorised Level 2 Insight Yoga Teacher, Level 2 KPJAYI SYC Ashtanga Yoga Teacher and Level 2 integrative restoration iRest meditation teacher. I also have additional certificates in Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Modern Pilates.

Previous Yoga and Mindfulness Practice:

No previous experience of yoga or meditation are needed to attend and all levels of yoga and meditation are welcome.

Research Findings:

Veena Ugargol recently conducted some research to explore the efficacy of this Yoga Therapy 8-week course. Ugargol showed substantial improvement in anxiety and mild depression in those that participated in TMI-8 week course in comparison to a wait-list control group.

Course Investment:

Investment is £250 inclusive of 16-hours of guided practice, a comprehensive informative 100+ page manual plus, Yoga therapy and Mindfulness audio files to support daily practice.

For Further Information or Book Your Place:

Call or message me on +44 7485 164654 or email

Places are limited to a maximum of 12 students so do book early to ensure your place. I would love to hear from you