Xmas Light Yoga

Photographs kindly taken by Jana Flavin at Ashtanga Yoga Basildon on 23.12.2021

The following links are for the 12 days of Christmas Fairy Light Yoga Project for 2021-22 on Instagram. You can also go directly to the associated Instagram post by clicking on the asana names above. The majority have additional photographs and videos too.

Introductory images and text

On the 12th day of Christmas, my teacher gave to me 12 yoga mudras, 11 matsyasanas, 10 catchings, 9 natarajasanas, 8 vrishikasanas, 7 drop backs, 6 bakasanas, 5 kapotasanas, 4 laghu vajrasanas, 3 ustrasanas, 2 ardha baddha padmottanasanas and an utthita hasta padangusthasana x